Tasks and Duties
- Determine geographical positions of ships, using lorans, azimuths of celestial bodies, or computers, and use this information to determine the course and speed of a ship.
- Inspect equipment such as cargo-handling gear, lifesaving equipment, visual-signaling equipment, and fishing, towing, or dredging gear, in order to detect problems.
- Observe loading and unloading of cargo and equipment to ensure that handling and storage are performed according to specifications.
- Observe water from ships' mastheads in order to advise on navigational direction.
- Steer vessels, utilizing navigational devices such as compasses and sextons, and navigational aids such as lighthouses and buoys.
- Supervise crew members in the repair or replacement of defective gear and equipment.
- Supervise crews in cleaning and maintaining decks, superstructures, and bridges.
- Arrange for ships to be stocked, fueled, and repaired.
- Assume command of vessels in the event that ships' masters become incapacitated.
- Participate in activities related to maintenance of vessel security.
- Stand watches on vessels during specified periods while vessels are under way.
This project is supported, in part, by the NationalScience Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily the Foundation