Directly supervise and coordinate activities of fishery workers. Manager/Supervisors are generally found in smaller establishments where they perform both supervisory and management functions, such as accounting, marketing, and personnel work, and may also engage in the same fishery work as the workers they supervise.
Other titles in this work field include:- animal keeper, head
- barn boss
- boom boss
- boom master
- boss farmer
- buck swamper
- camp boss
- camp tender
- christmas tree farmer
- corral boss
- crew boss, christmas tree farm
- farm boss
- field supervisor, seed production
- forest nursery supervisor
- gamekeeper
- greenhouse superintendent
- group leader
- grove superintendent
- harvest contractor
- head bucker
- head chopper
- head loader
- head rigger
- head rose grower
- head sawyer
- head swamper
- hook tender
- irrigator, head
- logging contractor
- manager, animal shelter
- manager, christmas tree farm
- manager, distillery
- manager, game preserve
- manager, kennel
- migrant leader
- portable track crew chief
- ramrod
- row boss, hoeing
- saw boss
- superintendent, fish hatchery
- superintendent, logging
- superintendent, menagerie
- supervisor, animal maintenance
- supervisor, area
- supervisor, artificial breeding ranch
- supervisor, cranberry bog
- supervisor, dairy farm
- supervisor, detasseling crew
- supervisor, distillery
- supervisor, diversified crops
- supervisor, farm
- supervisor, felling-bucking
- supervisor, field
- supervisor, field crop farming
- supervisor, fish hatchery
- supervisor, game farm
- supervisor, gang
- supervisor, greenhouse
- supervisor, harvest crew
- supervisor, horticultural specialty farming
- supervisor, insect and disease inspection
- supervisor, irrigation
- supervisor, kennel
- supervisor, labor
- supervisor, laboratory animal facility
- supervisor, livestock yard
- supervisor, log sorting
- supervisor, logging
- supervisor, nursery
- supervisor, park worker
- supervisor, picking crew
- supervisor, poultry farm
- supervisor, poultry hatchery
- supervisor, press
- supervisor, ranch
- supervisor, research dairy farm
- supervisor, research kennel
- supervisor, rose grading
- supervisor, shed workers
- supervisor, shellfish farming
- supervisor, stock ranch
- supervisor, tree fruit and nut farming
- supervisor, vegetable farming
- supervisor, vine fruit farming
- supervisor, wool shearing
- supervisor, yarding
- top screw
- turpentine farmer
- woods boss
- woods rider
- woods superintendent
- yard supervisor, cotton gin
- yarder boss